Tag Archives: Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn

Dr. Coburn on passage of Senate immigration bill

Senator Tom Coburn

Senator Tom Coburn

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement today regarding the passage of S. 744:

“This bill is a historic missed opportunity for the United States Senate.  It is a $48 billion border stimulus package that grants amnesty to politicians who want to say they are securing the border when in fact they are not.  I very much wanted to support an immigration reform proposal that balances our fundamental American values of legal immigration and the rule of law.  Sadly, this bill fails that test.

“Speaker Boehner and House Republicans now have all the justification they need to start over.  I would encourage the House to use President Reagan’s view of immigration as a blueprint.  In his farewell address Reagan described what he saw when he talked about America as the ‘shining city on the Hill.’

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Oklahoma reacts to ruling on marriage

Attorney General Scott Pruitt

Attorney General Scott Pruitt

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt in a statement on U.S. Supreme Court Rulings on Same-Sex Marriage today said, “The Court’s decisions confirmed that it is up to the states to decide how to define marriage, not the federal government.”

Attorney General Pruitt continued saying, “As a result, Oklahoma’s constitutional provision that defines marriage in Oklahoma as between a man and a woman remains valid.”

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) said, “In  its ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act, I’m disappointed the Supreme Court made a decision that overrides the clear intent of two branches of government.  With this decision, five judges have violated the freedom of conscience of millions of Americans.  Regardless of what people believe about this issue, it should be resolved by We the People, not the Courts.  Our nation was fully capable of resolving this issue without the Court’s cultural and moral commentary.  By taking sides in this debate, the Supreme Court has discouraged any American who believes marriage is a union between one man and one woman from legislating – and even thinking – differently from the Court.
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Why Benghazi matters

benghazi3Analysis:  Even loyal fans of President Barack Obama agree questions must be answered about the American response to the terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi September 11, 2012.  Who ordered the military to “stand down” rather than go to the aid of embattled diplomats, staff and security?  What was the thinking for such a decision?  Why not save your own people? To Leftist loyalists, it is a central question.

This cuts to the core of all things Left.  The “government knows best” crowd believes, as a matter of faith, that government will  always provide the correct response.  As President Obama has said of many things, “only government can solve this crisis” and Benghazi was a security crisis.

If the government is shown in Benghazi to have thrown away their own employee’s lives, and the life of the President’s Personal Representative in the name of domestic politics – who would ever want to work for or trust them in any crisis?  Would you work for someone that would kill you to win an election?  Oklahoma’s Senator Jim Inhofe will speak on this Friday at the Tulsa Republican Club.
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