Category Archives: Local

County Considering Transparency Office

Tulsa County Commissioners are exploring expanding citizen access to public information like the state Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT). The Tulsa County effort proposed by current Commission Chairman Lonnie Sims (R-Dist.2) is named Office of Government Efficiency and Transparency (OGET) and would be tasked with alerting County Government and the public of national, state, and local changes that could potentially impact County services and maintain regular reporting on programs and services provided by Tulsa County.

Tulsa County Commissioners, Stan Sallee, Lonnie Sims, and Kelly Dunkerley
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Appreciation: Tulsa Christmas Generosity

In a media release today, Samaritan’s Purse thanks the community for, “the overwhelming generosity of the people of Tulsa​ that helped provide to children in need through Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts this season.”

Across the U.S., the Samaritan’s Purse project collected 10.5 million shoebox gifts in 2024. Combined with those collected from partnering countries in 2024, the ministry is now sending over 11.9 million shoebox gifts to children worldwide.

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Republican Precinct Meetings Tuesday

Republicans reset their party beginning at precinct meetings Tuesday and then at the County Convention. This year, some want to grow the party to support President Trump’s success in expanding the base. Others want to shrink the party to make it easier to control in their own image. The “expanding” folk welcome policy discussions, adherence to state rules, and conservative leadership. To make your voice heard, bring your voter registration card with state issued ID, and attend these short but important meetings organized by State House Districts within Tulsa County.

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Nailing Normal and New Narratives

Americans by public vote and overwhelming Electoral College result, reestablished normal for the world in 2024 despite recurring voter fraud. The outcome was “too big to rig.” Moving forward; righteousness rules, normal returns, and demonstrable facts are confirmed. Of course there will be those that disagree, but some people can’t be fixed.

Meeting recently with Jason Collington, Executive Editor of The Tulsa World, for lunch and robust conversation, I mentioned the reset of normal and he immediately asked for my definition. This question came after he asserted that the daily newspaper is not a leftist publication – a point on which we disagree.

Helicopter View of Downtown Tulsa
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Tulsa County BOCC Begins 2025

Updated: The Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners meeting today began with the swearing in of new Commissioner (District 2) Lonnie Sims and returning officials County Clerk Michael Wills, Court Clerk Donald Newberry and Sheriff Vic Regalado. It then proceeded to an impactful proclamation.

County Commissioners Stan Sallee, Lonnie Sims, and Kelly Dunkerley
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