Tag Archives: Immigration

GOP Reps. on immigration

ImmigrationFamilyRepublican House members leading a fight against Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said a “Trojan horse bill” is in the works to trick the GOP into voting for amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Steve King (R-Iowa) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) told Glenn Beck on his TV program Thursday that the Senate’s pending immigration reform bill will mean amnesty — and that a deceptively “good” bill in the House will get it pushed through.

Both bills will go to a conference committee to be reconciled, where “they’ll take the good guts out of the good bill, they’ll put the bad guts in the good bill, the Senate will pass it, it’ll come over to the House, and then [House Minority Leader] Nancy Pelosi and all the Democrats will vote for the amnesty bill, probably the committee chairs will vote for it, and we’ll have amnesty,” Bachmann said.
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Reform vs. broken laws: Immigration

U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee and former Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement on the new push for comprehensive immigration reform and amnesty:

“Americans overwhelmingly oppose illegal immigration. They have pleaded with Congress to end the mass illegality for decades to little avail. All the while, millions have been added to the total of those illegally here.

It’s time to fix that broken system. Now we are told that the Obama Administration and members of Congress say they have a plan that they promise will do the job. So, the American people will need to watch closely. And, members of Congress must insist that they have a full and complete opportunity to study and amend such legislation,” Sessions said.

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