Tag Archives: Immigration

Contrast in Media Protest Coverage

As a frequent media critic, it is always uplifting to read coverage from an independent reporter not captured by the Leftist Narrative Operators (LNO) otherwise known as Legacy Media.

In this case, an Oklahoma investigative journalist writing for V1SUT on Substack covered a February 1 protest at the Oklahoma State Capital. The reporter provided coverage of both sides of the protest, context added, and misinformation confronted. What a concept, balanced coherent reporting.

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Gov. Kevin Stitt: State of the State 2024

Today, Governor Kevin Stitt delivered his State of the State address to Oklahoma’s 59th Legislature. Governor Stitt outlined his priorities for the 2024 regular legislative session, focusing on making Oklahoma the most business friendly state in the nation, limiting the growth of government by cutting taxes, expanding education freedom, and reinforcing public safety. The text was provided by the Governor’s Office and edited for space considerations.

My fellow Oklahomans. First off, I want to give thanks to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to serve in this position and for all the blessings we have in this great state. It’s my honor and privilege to stand before you today to give my sixth state of the state address. I’m sure some of you are excited about that because it means you only have to listen to me two more times.

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GOP State Committee Called

Updated: Tuesday, GOP State Vice Chairman Wayne Hill called an official meeting of the State Committee for January 27th in Oklahoma City.

Beginning his call with notice that the “State Committee is the supreme authority of the State GOP,” Hill notes an internal struggle in Oklahoma’s Congressional District 3 and apparent betrayals by GOP elected officials. Hill writes, “Our ‘Republican’ Oklahoma Labor Commissioner, Leslie Osburn, supports LGBTQ ideology and chaired an organization indoctrinating our children. Our ‘Republican’ US Senator, James Lankford, worked on language for a bill with Chuck Schumer to allow more illegals into our country and further compromise our border.”

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Dr. Coburn on passage of Senate immigration bill

Senator Tom Coburn

Senator Tom Coburn

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement today regarding the passage of S. 744:

“This bill is a historic missed opportunity for the United States Senate.  It is a $48 billion border stimulus package that grants amnesty to politicians who want to say they are securing the border when in fact they are not.  I very much wanted to support an immigration reform proposal that balances our fundamental American values of legal immigration and the rule of law.  Sadly, this bill fails that test.

“Speaker Boehner and House Republicans now have all the justification they need to start over.  I would encourage the House to use President Reagan’s view of immigration as a blueprint.  In his farewell address Reagan described what he saw when he talked about America as the ‘shining city on the Hill.’

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Rand Paul unloads on Immigration Bill

Senator Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul

On Tuesday afternoon, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) unloaded a series of harsh criticisms on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News.

Asked if there is a concern that government bureaucrats may take advantage of nonspecific language in the 1,200-page bill, regardless of the intention of any given provision’s author, Paul said, “Yes, that’s what I’ve been saying for a few weeks now, that there are some similarities with Obamacare.”
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