Attorney General Scott Pruitt
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt in a statement on U.S. Supreme Court Rulings on Same-Sex Marriage today said, “The Court’s decisions confirmed that it is up to the states to decide how to define marriage, not the federal government.”
Attorney General Pruitt continued saying, “As a result, Oklahoma’s constitutional provision that defines marriage in Oklahoma as between a man and a woman remains valid.”
U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) said, “In its ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act, I’m disappointed the Supreme Court made a decision that overrides the clear intent of two branches of government. With this decision, five judges have violated the freedom of conscience of millions of Americans. Regardless of what people believe about this issue, it should be resolved by We the People, not the Courts. Our nation was fully capable of resolving this issue without the Court’s cultural and moral commentary. By taking sides in this debate, the Supreme Court has discouraged any American who believes marriage is a union between one man and one woman from legislating – and even thinking – differently from the Court.
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