Category Archives: Uncategorized

Great to be back

Tulsa Today was offline for almost 24 hours and we thank so many of our readers for texting and calling to check on our wellbeing.  Nice to know you missed us.

The host we use has server farms in both Atlanta, Georgia and Falkenstein, Germany and in an issue not related to Tulsa Today, their entire network went down Thursday around 11:00 am and returned at 8:00 am Central Daylight Time.  Unfortunately, these things happen sometimes.  It does suggest that we should mirror the site on other servers and we are looking into the details to see if that would prevent a similar interruption.

Regardless, thank you for your support.

Mullet Over #546

Research indicates that the vocabulary of the average American adult consists of approximately 5,500 words. An unofficial study has revealed that a few teenagers possess speaking vocabularies that contain the terms “like,” “you know,” “whatever” and roughly 20 additional words.

Bubble Wrap was invented by two engineers named Fielding and Chavannes in 1957. Initially, the material was made by sealing plastic shower curtains together. The product was offered as wallpaper, but few consumers seemed interested.

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Mullin responds to Biden threat of Executive Order

On Wednesday Vice President Joe Biden stated that the Obama Administration could use Executive orders to implement gun control measures. Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-2) disagrees.

“The president is going to act. Executive orders, executive action, can be taken,” Biden told reporters before meetings conducted on the gun control subject.

Mullin issued the following statement in reaction to the Administration’s aggressive measures.

“What the President and the Executive branch are trying to do on gun control is absurd. The President’s use of executive orders to limit Second Amendment rights is only a tactic to bypass Congress and force untested laws onto the American people.  Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress is required to be the primary source of federal legislation, and I will fight to ensure that Congress does not abandon our responsibility to the American people by delegating our role in government to the executive branch, particularly regarding such an important issue as the Second Amendment.  I will continue to fight against the President’s agenda on gun control. As American citizens we have the Constitutional right to bear arms.”

Statistical proof of media bias

Prager University: Is there a left tilt to the media’s coverage of the news?  If there is, can it be proven?

And if it can be proven, can the consequences be quantified in a meaningful way? Acclaimed UCLA Professor of Political Science and Economics, Tim Groseclose, has the startling answers in this new Prager University course. Whatever you do, don’t miss his final conclusion.

Click here to see the video posted on

Obama stimulus funded Soros

Recently released tax documents reveal how billionaire “philanthropist” George Soros expanded his U.S.-based empire by using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the Obama stimulus.

Soros and Obama worked hand-in-glove through the stimulus, which has
been called the largest single partisan wealth transfer in American

In 2010, tax records show that Soros, a convicted inside trader with extensive knowledge of the American financial system and government policies under Obama, deployed grantees from his Open Society Foundations1 to lobby for and acquire federal contracts for job training, green energy, and community redevelopment programs.  By gaining control over those resources, Soros advanced his agenda for “green economics,” open borders, and increased government handouts. In short, he grew his empire, which includes much of the “progressive” movement in the U.S., as the federal government and Obama’s political constituencies grew in power and influence.

This report analyzes George Soros’s grants to organizations in 2010.  The records show massive coordination of non-profit networks in the states and nationally.  Four powerful organizations and coalitions — The STAR Coalition, The Gamaliel Foundation, the Apollo Alliance, and Green for All — are given detailed scrutiny in this regard, with the involvement of Van Jones getting special mention. Jones is the former Obama “Green Jobs Czar” fired after information about his communist past surfaced through the work of anti-communist blogger Trevor Loudon and then-Fox News personality Glenn Beck.  The lobbying power of such efforts ensured that stimulus funds flowed from taxpayers into union coffers and into the hands of other activists who had been instrumental in putting President Obama into office.

The report, “Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded Soros Empire,” includes an analysis of how Soros-funded organizations and networks operate, the strategies used to steer stimulus money to special interest lobbies, and an explanation of how taxpayers were forced to subsidize the “progressive” movement in the U.S. However, only Congress, with its investigative powers, can get to the bottom of how this money was spent and into whose coffers it ultimately ended up.

Click here to read more: Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded Soros Empire.