Video Update: The best book to understand the KBG controlled Russian government’s attitude and the new shooting war with the people of Ukraine is Disinformation by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa and Prof. Ronald J. Rychlak. In short, war has begun and the West has been “punked” or “made fools.” This book tells how.
Pacepa is a former spy chief – the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the west. His previous international best seller Red Horizons former-President Ronald Reagan called “my bible for dealing with dictators.” Pacepa lives under a protective identity in America and is credited by the CIA as the only person in the Western world to single-handedly demolish an entire enemy espionage service – the one he once managed.
In an exclusive interview with the co-author of Disinformation, Prof. Ronald J. Rychlak, in Tulsa last year, Rychlak discussed specifics as well the kind of push-back he has experienced – not the multiple death sentences Pacepa deals with, but the socially damning “raised eyebrow” of elitist academics for daring to write the truth.