Category Archives: Science

Alleged Fraud in Omnibus Autism Case

Washington, D.C. — Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Senior Staff Attorney Rolf Hazlehurst April 2, filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims alleging that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), representing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), committed fraud in its representation of HHS in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding (OAP) in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

CHD’s media release notes the OAP was established to consolidate and adjudicate the approximately 5,400 claims filed on behalf of children who regressed into autism following vaccination. In 2003, Hazlehurst filed a claim in the program on behalf of his son Yates, diagnosed with autism after suffering adverse reactions following routine childhood vaccines. Hazlehurst’s claim was one of six original “test cases” in 2007 that would decide the fate of all the other claims in the OAP.

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Never Safe or Effective

Editorial Analysis: At last report, over 17,000 Scientists and Physicians confirm that Governments around the world along with Corporations willfully and deliberately lied about Covid vaccines. Officials, including Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum, are failing to make good on the damage they have done to small businesses, churches, children and adults.

The data now shows that the Covid vaccinated are more likely to become infected or have disease or even death compared to the unvaccinated people. Covid Vaccines damage your heart, brain, reproductive tissue, lungs, increase cancer and permanently damage your immune system.

The European Parliament asked Pfizer this direct question. “Was the Pfizer Covid Vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?” Janine Small, a Pfizer President replied “NO, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. At that point of view we had to do everything at risk.” They risked lives and lied to you.

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Experts Rip CDC for Redacting All

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) earlier this month responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents containing information about the frequency of myocarditis in people who received the COVID-19 vaccines — by producing a fully redacted 148-page document.

A pair of tweets by Epoch Times reporter Zachary Stieber on March 7 and 8 revealed the FOIA request “asked for information about several studies the CDC posted on myocarditis cases in COVID-19 vaccine recipients.

“A CDC document sent to us in response to a Freedom of Information Act request … is fully redacted,” Stieber wrote, adding that a second document the CDC provided as part of the same request “is mostly redacted.”

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NASA Solar Event in Broken Bow

The Oklahoma Aerospace Institute for Research and Education (OAIRE) is partnering with NASA scientists and the Choctaw Nation to host a solar eclipse event on April 8 in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. 

The eclipse’s totality lasts from 1:45-1:50 p.m., within the broader range of 12:25-3 p.m. The event is open to the public, with eclipse glasses provided. Attendees can engage in STEM activities while researchers conduct a full-scale balloon flight campaign in preparation.

At sites along the eclipse path, Oklahoma State University student teams in the engineering track use innovative larger balloon systems to livestream video to the NASA eclipse website, observe in situ perturbations in atmospheric phenomena, and conduct individually designed experiments. Atmospheric science track teams make frequent observations by launching hourly radiosondes on helium-filled weather balloons. Student participants work with atmospheric science experts throughout the project.

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Purple Martins Return, First Sighting in OK

In a sure sign that spring is not far behind, the first Purple Martins of the year have been spotted in Purcell, Oklahoma. The arrival, cheered by the Purple Martin Conservation Association in a national release today, reminds that Purple martins, the largest swallows in North America, became acclimated to the dried gourds hung by Native Americans and handcrafted birdhouses designed by European colonists. The prevalence of these ready-made houses, coupled with the decline of natural cavities, has changed the behavior of the species. Now, only man-made nests will do and it’s time for landlords to hoist the homes.

The birds were seen on February 8 in Purcell by a Purple Martin enthusiast – one of many throughout the eastern and central United States who track and report on the birds’ annual migration on behalf of the Association. The migration of these unique birds can be reported and tracked through a community science project called the Scout-Arrival Study. 

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