Category Archives: Science

OK Defiance of Global Tyranny

Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, in a media release today is calling on the legislature to defend Oklahoma’s sovereignty against the creeping influence of global governance. If passed Oklahoma Senate Bill 426, by Rep. Rick West, R-Heavener, and Sen. George Burns, R-Pollard, would be a defiant stand against the encroaching powers of international bodies like the WHO, UN, and WEF. This legislation is a declaration of independence from authoritarian global tyrants who unashamedly oppose and threaten American liberties, and it boldly asserts that international directives shall have “no force or effect” to undermine the laws or sovereignty of Oklahoma.

Highlights of Senate Bill 426:
● State vs. Global Authority: SB 426 allows WHO recommendations, not WHO dictates. Sets a firm boundary against international control over Oklahoma’s laws and freedoms.
● Prompted by Presidential Moves: Addresses the threat of WHO treaties that President Biden is expected to endorse on May 27.
● Following Louisiana: The Louisiana Senate recently passed a bill nearly identical to SB 426 in a bipartisan and unanimous 37-0 vote.

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Tulsa Studies Validate Quantum Upgrade

Research shows Quantum Energy Speeds up Human Cell Recovery

A release yesterday from Schoerfling, Austria, heralds new research conducted in the biochemistry lab at The University of Tulsa demonstrating that Quantum Upgrade® helps accelerate the recovery of human cells after the cells are “scratched” with a laser.

Quantum Upgrade is a technology service that provides a continuous flow of quantum energy to people in many environments, including homes, cars, and businesses. The studies of the effects of Quantum Upgrade on human dermal fibroblasts exposed to the stress of laser scratching were conducted over 12 months by Dr. Robert Sheaff, PhD, an Associate Professor of Biochemistry.

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Child Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic

For decades, children who developed autism after receiving routine vaccines have been denied justice. Their parents have been ridiculed, gaslighted, left to cope on their own. Kids suffered.

All because the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) determined vaccines didn’t cause autism in three “test” claims. Those three claims determined the fate of over 5,000 children in the NVICP’s Omnibus Autism Proceeding (OAP) — and those 5,000 children represented hundreds of thousands of vaccine-injured children.

This twisted miscarriage of justice directly affected the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, largely shielding the pharmaceutical industry from liability for vaccine injury.

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Alleged Fraud in Omnibus Autism Case

Washington, D.C. — Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Senior Staff Attorney Rolf Hazlehurst April 2, filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims alleging that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), representing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), committed fraud in its representation of HHS in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding (OAP) in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

CHD’s media release notes the OAP was established to consolidate and adjudicate the approximately 5,400 claims filed on behalf of children who regressed into autism following vaccination. In 2003, Hazlehurst filed a claim in the program on behalf of his son Yates, diagnosed with autism after suffering adverse reactions following routine childhood vaccines. Hazlehurst’s claim was one of six original “test cases” in 2007 that would decide the fate of all the other claims in the OAP.

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