Category Archives: Science

Expert is a four-letter word

The Earth is flat and the sun revolves around the Earth. Settled science.

Liberal icon Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes legitimized the science of eugenics when he ruled that the interest of “public welfare” outweighed the interest of individuals in their bodily integrity. Science intersects with public policy.        

Scientific journals have published at least 75,000 peer-reviewed papers since the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic started. Some studies had significant design flaws, and many results are contradictory. Nonetheless, experts have stolen our lives, stolen the smiles from children’s faces, and bullied a segment of the population into paralyzing fear. Why? Because someone, somewhere was “following the science.” Which science? Only the science that comports with a particular political agenda?

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Masters of COVID Gloom, Lysenkoism & squirrels

Does Tulsa media pander to panic? Not here!

The media, taking their cue from George Orwell’s 1984’s daily “Two Minute Hate,” provide a constant drumbeat of one-sided political talking points and incomplete statistics about COVID-19. It is designed to wear us down. The recovery of President Trump and many others gives us another side of the picture.

When questioned about motives for the unrelenting negativity, folks say they are following the science. This statement merits an historical note of caution about comingling politics and science.

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Environ. friendly dishes damage

A new study reported by the Jerusalem Post found plastic dishes and utensils sold as environmentally friendly do not biodegrade as rapidly in a marine environment and have a similar environmental impact on marine animals as regular disposable dishes.

The study compared the impact of regular disposable dishes and certified bioplastic dishes on the marine environment and concluded that, at least in the short term, both types of plastic dish have similar negative effects.

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America: Hope and help to treat COVID-19 at home

SARS-CoV-2 virus was virtually unknown when it hit in early 2020. COVID-19, as the disease is known, now has more than 60,000 National Library of Medicine citations, as the internet disseminates information at the speed of light. Recently President Trump was treated early for COVID-19, with rapid success.

What are the lessons learned from the scientific research?

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