Category Archives: Science

COVID-19 study: 99.8% probability not natural

The 193-page paper published January 29th is titled “A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived.”

“The purpose of the analysis was to determine the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Beginning with a likelihood of 98.2% that it was a zoonotic jump from nature with only a 1.2% probability it was a laboratory escape, twenty-six different, independent facts and evidence were examined systematically. The final conclusion is that it is a 99.8% probability SARS-CoV-2 came from a laboratory and only a 0.2% likelihood it came from nature,” a summary notes.

The National Pulse reports that the author, Dr. Steven Quay, has 360+ published medical studies and has been cited over 10,000 times, placing him in the top one percent of scientists worldwide. What’s more, he holds nearly 90 US patents and has invented seven FDA-approved pharmaceuticals.

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Black Americans need action, not navel-gazing

On Martin Luther King, Jr.’s holiday, I’m reminded that Rev. King was not only a thinker but a man of action.

While today’s social justice omphaloskeptics are pondering white privilege, Marxist critical race theory, and “the intersectionality of health equity,” COVID-19 is busy killing black and brown Americans.

Black Americans continue to get infected and die from COVID-19 at rates more than 1.5 times their share of the population. Hispanic and Native Americans face similar disparities. Black Americans are twice as likely to be hospitalized as whites. Moreover, when admitted to the hospital, people from racial and ethnic minority groups were in worse shape than their white counterparts. Consequently, they were more likely to die.

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Unfiltered news needed on COVID-19

Manipulating the news is a propaganda technique for molding public behavior. Today it may be called “fake news.”

It can be very hard to sort out the facts in the cacophony of conflicting statements on COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, perched as head bureaucrat at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since the 1980s, would make it very simple for you: “Just do what you are told.” Don’t wear a mask, or wear a mask. Go back to normal when there’s a vaccine; or when 70 percent are vaccinated; no, when 90 percent are vaccinated; or maybe when 70 to 85 percent are vaccinated.

If Americans were to make informed decisions for themselves, they would need to know the facts about such issues as:

  • The true risk of disease and death—and the accuracy of diagnostic tests;
  • The means of transmission of the disease;
  • Health measures to improve their immune system, such as vitamins and zinc supplements;
  • Early at-home treatments, including hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, corticosteroids, and ivermectin; and
  • Risks and benefits of the vaccines now being rolled out.
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Censorship Kills

Election irregularities, Chinese spies seducing a congressman, and the shocking revelation that “Dr.” Jill Biden was not a real doctor briefly let us turn our attention away from COVID-19. Unfortunately, COVID is still here and has made it to Antarctica. COVID continues to directly or indirectly hasten deaths. Along with the arrival of two much anticipated vaccines is a new active variant. The effects of both remain to be seen.

For months we’ve heard that COVID is not like the flu. It is a different animal. It may leave the infected person with long term aftereffects. Given the potential problems, the FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS and the alphabet health agencies should be advocating for early pharmacological treatment and prevention. Instead, we are told to wash our hands, wear masks—which may or may not help—and to stay away from one another. Indeed, as California’s Health and Human Services Secretary admitted, the state’s order banning outdoor dining and closing playgrounds was “not a comment on the relative safety” of the activity but a tactic for keeping people at home.

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Holiday hope for early COVID treatment

One would not know from the media silence, but there was significant positive news about the successes of early COVID treatment at the Senate hearings, chaired by Senator Ron Johnson  (R-WI),  “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part I on November 19 and Part II on December 8.  

The extraordinary clinical trial data presented in both hearings showed marked reductions in hospitalizations and deaths with combined outpatient treatment with anti-infective/anti-virals, immune-modulating drugs, and anticoagulants plus vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C and other nutraceuticals. This could have been a huge lift to the spirits of the American people, who have been living locked down in fear for most of 2020. But no media outlet except C-Span bothered to cover it.

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