Three Pro-life Measures Reach OK House

At the state Capitol in Oklahoma City, several bills seeking to protect the life of an unborn child passed House committee Monday.

Senate Bill 1890, by Rep. Dan Sullivan of Tulsa, forbids an abortion based solely on the sex of the child.
“Across the world thousands of children are aborted each year because of their sex. Almost all of these babies who are killed are females,” said Sullivan, a Republican. “This legislation will ensure that this barbaric practice will never occur in Oklahoma.”
Senate Bill 1891, by Rep. Pam Peterson of Tulsa, also a Republican, creates the Freedom of Conscience Act, which would protect the rights of health care professionals to refuse to take part in the destruction of an innocent human life.
“It is important that a health care professional’s right to decline participation in the destruction of an innocent human life is protected,” said Peterson.

Senate Bill 1902, by Rep. Skye McNiel of Bristow, makes it illegal for a person other than a qualified physician who is physically present to administer the chemical abortion pill, RU-486, for the purposes of inducing an abortion. The bill also requires physicians to report complications. RU-486 abortions take the lives of unborn children who are approximately five-to-nine weeks old.
“The abortion pill is a dangerous drug that has lasting ramifications not only on the unborn child, but on the mother and other family members as well,” said Rep. McNiel, a Republican.  “This bill will ensure regulations are tight when it comes to distribution of this devastating drug.”

All three bills passed the House Judiciary Committee today and will next be considered by the full House.
“In light of the passage of the federal health care bill in Congress over the weekend, we must be more vigilant than ever in protecting life here in Oklahoma,” said House Speaker Chris Benge, a Tulsa Republican. “One of our most important jobs is to protect those who cannot protect themselves.”