OK bills to protect during pandemic

Senator Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, filed three bills on Monday aimed to restrain the power of government in its response to the Chinese Coronavirus.

“As we start a new year and prepare to begin a new legislative session, it’s time we focus on the core reason for the institution of government – protecting people’s rights,” Dahm said. “We’ve seen mayors, city councilors and government bureaucrats across this state issue edicts and dictates infringing on the rights of the people. The bills I’m introducing are aimed at protecting people’s rights, and I look forward to the legislature joining me in passing these much-needed protections.”

Senate Bill 224 would preempt cities and counties to prohibit them from any current or future mandates forcing the wearing of masks on public or private property.

“If business owners or private property owners want to require masks on their own property, that is a choice they can make,” Dahm said. “However, government forcing private property owners to comply under threat of penalty is beyond their delegated powers.”

In addition, SB 223 would prohibit the state of Oklahoma, as well as any political subdivision, from forcing citizens to take any immunization, including the COVID-19 vaccine. It would also prohibit the state from requiring a vaccine to receive any government services or rights protected by the Constitution.

“We’ve heard suggestions from government bureaucrats that they intend to force or require the COVID-19-vaccine in order to travel, attend school, and similar requirements,” Dahm said. “Our rights are not contingent upon vaccination status, and whether or not to take the vaccine should be up to each individual – not forced or coerced by the government.”

SB 255 would address concerns with contact tracing to ensure it is done in a voluntary manner and protects people’s private data, so it is not used or tracked without permission or a warrant.

“Our Founding Fathers enshrined in our Constitution the right of the people to be secure in their persons, papers and effects,” Dahm said. “That right doesn’t stop during emergency situations and must always be protected. “

Each bill has been introduced with an emergency provision and would become law immediately upon passage and signature by the governor.

“With the chance of a special session to assist government agencies during COVID, we have the possibility to also protect the rights of Oklahoma citizens,” Dahm said. “Even without a special session, we could move these bills quickly through the legislature when we convene in February to restore the people’s rights and limit and restrain government.”

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