Nimitz Carrier Group
Analysis: The United States is sending a third aircraft carrier strike force to the western Pacific region in an apparent warning to North Korea to deter its ballistic missile and nuclear programs, sources told Voice Of America.
The U.S. military has rarely simultaneously deployed three aircraft carriers to the same region. Today as we remember fallen heros – also pray for those on active duty. North Korea’s young dictator may soon learn what happens when you repeatedly push the powerful beyond reason.

General Vincent Brooks, Oklahoma Senator Lankford and Rep. Russell on a fact finding tour in South Korea
The USS Nimitz, one of the world’s largest warships, will join two other supercarriers, the USS Carl Vinson and the USS Ronald Reagan, sources told VOA’s Steve Herman. For perspective, just one carrier has more war fighting capacity than the entire British Royal Air Force.
North Korea’s growing nuclear and missile threat is seen as a major security challenge for President Donald Trump, who has vowed to prevent the country from being able to strike the U.S. with a nuclear missile, a capability some experts say Pyongyang could have in 2020. Other experts say less than two years, but today, they could hit American bases in the region – U.S. Military and families.
It is beyond reason that any American President (with the possible exception of Obama) would risk a madman’s attack with nuclear weapons. That is what North Korea’s leader has repeatedly said he would do. North Korea produces war videos announcing their intent to bring about the destruction of America – they glorify the killing of our children. Frack (the act of breaking apart to find value or, in this case, acting to bring sanity) them.
Sanity requires prevention of apparently capable declared intention to attack. Madmen must sometimes be stopped by action.
Sitting alongside Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Trump said just before the start of Group of Seven (G-7) meetings in Sicily that G-7 leaders would have a “particular focus on the North Korea problem.”
It is likely leaders will publicly speak of sanctions until military action has begun.
Since 1971, when the U.S. Congress declared Memorial Day a national federal holiday, Americans have spent the final Monday in May honoring all who died during military service throughout U.S. history.
But it all began in 1865, just after the end of the Civil War, when a group of freed American slaves first commemorated the nation’s war dead.
Click here to read more from Voice of America on the nation’s Memorial Day 2017.