Calls for prosecution of Planned Parenthood

RickSantorum6Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) issued the following statement upon the release of the latest video showing Planned Parenthood employees describing the removal of a born alive child’s brain even though they were born through a failed abortion procedure.

Rick Santorum said: “When will this horror show end! What we are seeing day after day is the destruction of innocent little babies. This is murder! Who are we as a society if we continue to let this go unpunished? Planned Parenthood is committing heinous crimes. They must not just be defunded, they must also be prosecuted.

“I know a thing or two about this because I wrote the laws Planned Parenthood is breaking – the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

“I can understand why President Obama and his Justice Department sit on their hands and let these crimes continue. It was Barack Obama who voted against the Illinois state version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Barack Obama clearly doesn’t have a problem with the murder of an innocent child born as a result of a botched abortion. This is sickening and state authorities must take action if the federal government will not.”

AbortionProtestRick Santorum was the author of every major piece of pro-life legislation that came before the U.S. Senate during his tenure. Specifically, Santorum was the author of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

To see the videos from the Center for Medical Progress, click here.

More on the latest video is also available from by clicking here.

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