Rand Paul unloads on Immigration Bill

Senator Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul

On Tuesday afternoon, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) unloaded a series of harsh criticisms on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News.

Asked if there is a concern that government bureaucrats may take advantage of nonspecific language in the 1,200-page bill, regardless of the intention of any given provision’s author, Paul said, “Yes, that’s what I’ve been saying for a few weeks now, that there are some similarities with Obamacare.”

“This Gang of Eight bill delegates a lot of authority to the administration,” he explained. “So, with my amendment, ‘Trust But Verify,’ we tried to get that authority back and keep it in Congress, where Congress would vote on whether the border is secure.

Senator Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul

“Ultimately, whether or not these people become citizens, under the Gang of Eight bill, is up to the president,” Paul continued. “I don’t care if it’s a Republican president or a Democratic president. That’s too much power for one person to have.”

“So, I would have kept that power with Congress and said Congress has to vote whether the border is secure before we keep moving forward. I would make even the initial process of giving work people visas dependent on a secure border,” he stated.

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