Obama “skates bill” feeding veterans

Barack Obama isn’t necessarily known for being fiscally responsible, but it seems he may be a bit oblivious when it comes to personal finances as well as national.

The Blaze in a composition media review has the very odd details.

Quoting ABC:

Amid the bustle of President Obama’s surprise stop for barbecue Wednesday the White House apparently overlooked one key detail: the bill.
Celebrating Father’s Day early, the president had lunch with two service members and two local barbers at Kenny’s BBQ on Capitol Hill.
As the group chatted about fatherhood, the president enjoyed a steaming plate of pork ribs with hot sauce, collard greens, red beans and rice and cornbread.
The bill for the president and his four guests was $55.58, but was left unpaid at the point of sale, according to pool reports.

Ironically, the move follows Obama’s declaration that Republicans left him the bill for a steak dinner on the economy.

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