Today marks the 237th birthday of the United States Army as well as the celebration of our Stars and Stripes, Flag Day.
The Army is the largest and oldest established branch of the United States military, with a primary mission ‘to fight and win our Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders.’
I can still remember the details of the day that I was sworn in as an Army Second Lieutenant in 1982. I remember the pride I felt wearing our nation’s uniform and the feeling that I was a part of something larger than myself. I knew it was an honor, a privilege, and a responsibility…and I was committed to it wholeheartedly, just as thousands of men and women volunteer to commit themselves today, not because they are forced to, but because they truly want to serve their nation.
It is fitting that the Army’s birthday also falls on Flag Day, as the Army’s motto is ‘This We’ll Defend.’ If it weren’t for our brave soldiers defending our nation for the past 237 years, there would be no freedom to fly our flag. In fact, there would be no flag at all.
‘This We’ll Defend’ represents the spirit of our Army, in that there is no ‘I’ or ‘Me’, but ‘We’. As soldiers, we are unified to further a mission. On the 237th birthday of the Army and on the celebration of Flag Day, let us as Americans recommit ourselves to the spirit of the Army, that ‘We’ are stronger united than divided, and working together, ‘We’ as Americans will always prevail."