Iran is seeking a major expansion of its nuclear capacity, as is evidenced by an attempt to purchase 100,000 magnets used in centrifuge machines, according to report released by the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS).
“They are positioning themselves to make a lot of nuclear progress quickly,” the Washington Post quoted an unnamed European diplomat as saying following the publication of the ISIS report, “Each step forward makes the situation potentially more dangerous.”
Purchase orders obtained by the Washington-based ISIS show Iran’s attempt to purchase the highly specialized magnets from China in late 2011, in spite of a UN ban on export of these materials to Iran. “This large potential order by Iran in late 2011 for 100,000 ring magnets ready for use in IR-1 centrifuges implies an Iranian intention to greatly expand its number of these centrifuges,” the report stated.
The ISIS called on the international community to be vigilant of Iranian companies attempting to evade sanctions, and urged the United Nations to take measures against the Jahan Tech Rooyan Pars company, as well as M. Tahmouresi, mentioned in the purchase order.
The report was authored by David Albright, a former United Nations IAEA nuclear inspector, and current founder and head of the ISIS.