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Success comes to us when we focus on our strengths and passions. There are a myriad of tests, surveys, and profiles you can take to help you determine your true strengths and deepest passions. But I think if you look at yourself objectively and seek the opinions of trusted family members, friends, and colleagues, these will become apparent to you.

Your strengths are tasks that come easily for you but are difficult for others. These are generally activities that you may overlook because you have a talent for them, you enjoy them, or at least don’t dread them because they are easy and natural for you.

Your passions involve those outcomes and principles that matter to you in both tangible and intangible ways. The highly respected economist, Milton Friedman, often said, “The business of business is business.” He further explained that entrepreneurs or corporations have no real goal or aim beyond a financial return to stockholders. While I have great respect for Milton Friedman as a pioneer in his field, there’s a lot more to business and entrepreneurship than simply how much money you make.

I believe our higher calling comes to us when we use our talents and gifts to serve others and make the world a better place. In a business context, serving others and making a difference in the world will inevitably generate a profit. But if money is your only goal, you will not maximize your potential.

My background and training is in the world of finance and investments. While I studied in the field of accounting, there seemed to be no part of the accounting process that I enjoyed. Consequently, I’m probably not very good at it. This problem was resolved throughout my career by creating relationships with highly skilled and qualified accountants.

Whenever anything comes into the office or crosses my desk involving accounting, taxes, or government forms, I am always excited, relieved, and pleased to file it among the items my accountants will review before our next visit. I cannot ignore accounting because it’s a vital part of a well-run business, but I can, thankfully, delegate it and consistently review such items with the people who have skill and passion in that field.

You can build a championship team or a world-class profitable business by having the right people in the right places exercising their skills and pursuing their passions.

As you go through your day today, pursue the tasks you’re good at and those you enjoy while letting other people do the rest.

Today’s the day.

About the author: Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network, as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift.  He is also a columnist and motivational speaker.  He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK  74145-9082, or by e-mail at

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