Eddie Huff, City Council Dist. 7

Question: What is your primary reason for service as Tulsa City Councilor, District 7?

“I have seen Tulsa’s infrastructure neglected in my district and others over the last twenty years. We must reverse that pattern.

Eddie Huff

“I remember when my family first arrived here, in 1992, driving south on Riverside Drive it was so beautiful and peaceful that I felt God telling me that this is where I should raise my children.

“Driving up from Dallas in an old van with four kids, my wife and I had nothing. We slept in a basement at a friend’s house, but I had a job and we built a successful life in Tulsa,” Huff said.

“As we considered school systems for the kids, my wife insisted and the kids agreed that they wanted to go to Victory Christian School. I disagreed and made them sign a statement saying ‘of their own free will, we choose to attend Victory against our father’s wishes and we will never ever complain.’”

“I am a public-school supporter and thought that would be better for them. They never did complain to me. In the tenth grade, the eldest transferred to Union Public Schools and the others followed. They never admitted to me, but I heard from others they came to agree I was right.

“While some condemn public-schools, if the well-behaved smart kids all go to private-school it is no wonder public-school scores are falling and problems increasing.

“Now the kids are grown and successful, my insurance business has grown, and my youngest son is vice president of the Florida Panthers NHL team which just won the Stanly Cup. Another son is a commercial pilot and another active in construction and my daughter also has enjoyed great success,” Huff said with pride.

“I can now focus on public issues and give more time to the community,” Huff declared.

Question: Why did Tulsa’s daily paper recently attack you for your friendship with Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell?

“They mistakenly wrote that I was against the convention center. That topic never came up. What I talked about were museums and preforming arts venues that should be supported by their patrons rather than taxpayers. Those that enjoy the arts should pay for the facilities. To burden other city taxpayers is not fair. I am not against museums and preforming arts, but Tulsa has higher priorities like public safety, roads and bridges that must be addressed first,” Huff declared.

“I am a Black Conservative Republican which offends the hard left, but I am friends with many people that may disagree with my positions on topics, but we are still friends.

“When I was a talk show host of KFAQ, I repeatedly urged the Tulsa Police Department (TPD) to drop the requirement for candidates to have earned a four-year college degree before applying. That was 14 years ago and I am honored mayoral candidate Brent VanNorman raised the topic in his recent campaign. Military Police and other veterans and former officers with experience from other communities could help TPD replenish the force to get needed officers on the streets. It may even be better to hire officers with real-life experience than just academic blessing.

“The number one complaint topic I hear while knocking district doors is about streets needing repairs. The second issue is the growing homeless encampments in the district.

“When I speak to the various agencies that work daily with the homeless, they say much of the problem is drugs, mental health, and those who want a life free of responsibility or structure. Somehow, we must find the right degree of consequences for bad or irresponsible behavior to get people off the streets. As I have often said, anything you feed – grows. If you want good behavior, feed that. If you feed bad behavior, expect more,” Huff said.

Apparently, the local hard left have targeted Huff. The Black Wall Street Times publication which uses the slogan, “Access is the New Civil Right” does not want a Black Conservative to have access to elected office – hypocrisy in full display. A story by Nate Morris, September 27, 2024, highlights Facebook posts from 2015 they claim, “demean US soldiers, promote confederate flag.”

Morris treats Eddie Huff like Donald J. Trump, as every casual or comedic word is taken out of context in hyperbolic misinterpretation. This is problematic for people in the public eye, talk show hosts or candidates for office. Of course, hard left minions never engage in substantive debate and in the story, Morris never interviews Huff, but Morris fills his rant with his own subjective opinions.

Eddie Huff is a well-qualified Black Conservative Candidate for Tulsa City Council District 7 and deserves your serious consideration. See VoteEddiefHuff.com for more information on this race.

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