One of Tulsa Today’s favorite other investigative Oklahoma sites, “How to Steal a State” is back with, “The final season of How to Steal a State“ which we greatly admire, for example, with this gem, “If Americans had access to the revealing personal texts and emails from all candidates that Oklahoma has from current gubernatorial candidate Joy Hofmeister (D), due to her four previous felony indictments, the nation would have much stronger and more sincere leadership.” Yes, it gets better.
Highlights of this season ending series include:
- The audience: Hofmeister adopts Joe Biden’s playbook and hires his consulting firms to get inside the heads of Oklahomans.
- The script: The real “values” behind the buzzwords Hofmeister’s campaign machine is pushing and who’s really writing them.
- The cast: Rancher Craig – The star of Hofmeister’s campaign is a condescendingly cloaked dog whistle for the education establishment.
- Costume design: Hofmeister gets a make-under and mileage as a measure of your child’s success.
- Backstage chatter: In Hofmeister’s own words when the cameras are off.
- The rehearsals: Acting lessons for Hofmeister.
- The show’s funders: In-state special interests and out-of-state fundraisers.
- No critics allowed: Concealing Hofmeister’s lacking performance as state superintendent.
- The final act: Oklahoma’s PAC lady strikes again.
- The curtain call: Roses from DA Prater to Hofmeister.

As the writer details, “With the November elections only weeks away, the stakes are at an all-time high. Thieves are targeting the highest seat in Oklahoma. If you live in Oklahoma, you’ll want to share this series with every friend, family member, co-worker and neighbor while strongly recommending they start with Season One and make it their October read.
“If you’re from another state, the series will provide a rare opportunity to compare one candidate’s carefully crafted campaign for governor, dripping with commitment to faith and family, with her private communications among the political powerbrokers and education union progressivists seeking total control of Oklahomans and their children. Behind the scenes, they express open disdain for the conservative values held by the majority of Oklahomans whose votes they will need in order to secure power for themselves and the billionaires and special interests funding their efforts.” Click here for more of How to Steal a State, Season 6.