Breaking: The Biden administration today declared a public health emergency for monkeypox in a bid to unlock funding and more powers to deal with the virus, which officials say is primarily spreading among homosexual males.
The World Health Org. (WHO) declaration of Monkeypox as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), was made by one man, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has no medical training, over the objection of the majority of his own expert committee of medical and scientific advisors. Nine of the committee members thought a PHEIC should not be declared and six supported a declaration.
“Nine and six is very, very close. Since the role of the committee is to advise, I decided to act as a tie-breaker,” Tedros said in a news conference called to announce the decision.”
Perhaps it is the “new math” that leads to the conclusion of a “tie” with a 3-vote majority on one side? And why did Tedros decide to go with the minority opinion rather than the majority?
Rosamund Lewis, the WHO technical lead for monkeypox, said in a July 20 press conference: “About 98 percent of (Monkeypox) cases are among men who have sex with men—and primarily those who have multiple recent anonymous or new partners.” She then said they are typically young and chiefly live in urban areas.
So why did Tedros decide unilaterally to declare a global emergency for the vast majority of people who do not fit this profile?
A little-known fact about the PHEIC designation is that it triggers implementation of the International Health Regulations signed in 2005 by more than 190 countries. It seems evident that WHO plans to continue their power, implemented with the COVID emergency declaration, to dictate global public health policy, and their directives for oppressive measures such as lockdowns and travel restrictions that WHO pushed globally during COVID. Since COVID obviously wasn’t stopped, WHO appears determined to implement still more draconian measures, and push more coercive vaccine mandates.
Conveniently, shortly just before the monkeypox scare, Bavarian Nordic’s JYNNEOS vaccine was approved by the FDA in September 2019 for use against both smallpox and its cousin monkeypox. This is in spite of published data showing JYNNEOS product is associated with higher risk of myocarditis, also a serious risk with the COVID shots.
The U.S. government has reportedly stockpiled enough smallpox vaccine for the entire population in the event of a biowarfare attack, and has recently ordered $113 million worth of vaccine from Bavarian Nordic, with an option to buy $180 million more for a total of 13 million doses.
Conceivably, the U.S. could mandate this vaccine—if enough could be made. Voluntary compliance would likely be a problem, as smallpox vaccines are already well-known to cause myocarditis and pericarditis, already causing death and disability world-wide with COVID-19 vaccines.
Panic over a monkeypox threat is yet another potential means to midterm elections and prevent the expected Republican takeover in Congress.
How much fear is warranted? The Truth for Health Foundation Monkey Pox Fact Sheet can be downloaded free; here are some highlights:
Monkey pox has been known in Africa since 1958, primarily as a disease of ground squirrels. It can spread to monkeys and humans with close contact and poor hygiene, but very few cases have been reported outside Africa before now.
Monkey pox is far less contagious than smallpox, influenza, or COVID, and is much milder than smallpox and unlikely to be lethal. You catch monkeypox from contact with bodily fluids such as saliva or semen, as well as skin lesion, either directly or from soiled linens or clothing.
Symptoms include fever, headaches, and lymph node swelling followed by an eruption of pus-filled blisters. The skin lesions can resemble those of shingles, chickenpox, or syphilis. The rash tends to start on the face and has the unusual feature that blisters can form on the palms of the hands.
The first cases were associated with two large European “raves.” The Canary Island event occurred—just coincidentally—on the same date as a hypothetical bioterror attack modeled in an Event 201-style wargame exercise about release of an engineered monkeypox virus, “a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight.”
A whole series of pandemic simulations have been run by globalists since 2000. Is the purpose to protect public health? Or to increase the globalists’ power, and destroy individual medical freedom and national sovereignty?
Hint: consider the response to monkeypox. A public health response would shut down venues for anonymous sex for three weeks, and blast out warnings to abstain from promiscuous sex. And try traditional contact tracing. But a physician writing about his painful 14 days in isolation said nothing about contact tracing—unlike with COVID, no cellphone apps for monkeypox, lest it be stigmatizing! Just wait for a vaccine!
Americans must learn from the COVID debacle: take sensible precautions, but don’t fall for the fear porn and do not surrender your rights, especially not to WHO.
About the author: Dr. Vliet is the President and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a faith-based human rights 501(c)(3) public charity, and the creator of the Foundation’s innovative six initiatives that advocate for early outpatient COVID treatment, treatment and resources for vaccine-injured patients including the Citizens Vaccine Injury Reporting System™ (CVIRS™), legal defense grants for military service members and others denied medical and religious freedom, medical and legal help for families of hospitalized patients denied effective treatment, and the Health and Resilience Initiative to empower people with steps to improve health and avoid the restrictions on freedom with Big Medicine, Big Pharma and Big Government. The Foundation provides international educational and training programs focused on effective strategies for COVID and many other medical conditions, and on the interconnections of health, faith and lifestyle approaches for restoring resilience and quality of life.
Since February 2020, Dr. Vliet has been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home to reduce hospitalizations and death. She is the lead author of the Foundation’s Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide – Your Road Map to Recovery. She is the co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life, with Dr. Peter McCullough, that is available to download as a PDF here: (
Dr. Vliet is a 2014 Ellis Island Medal of Honor recipient for her national and international educational efforts in health, wellness, and endocrine aging in men and women. She is also the 2007 recipient of the Voice of Women from the Arizona Foundation for Women, a past director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and a member of the AAPS Editorial Writing Team since 2009. Dr. Vliet received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins. She earned her B.S. and master’s degrees from the College of William and Mary.
Dr. Vliet has been a leader in patient centered, individualized medical care. Since 1986, she has practiced medicine independent of insurance contracts that interfere with patient-physician relationships and decision-making. Dr. Vliet is the founder of Vive Life Center with medical practices in Tucson AZ and Dallas TX, specializing in preventive and climacteric medicine with an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment of women and men with complex medical-endocrine problems from puberty to late life. Dr. Vliet’s consumer health books include: It’s My Ovaries, Stupid; Screaming To Be Heard: Hormonal Connections Women Suspect– And Doctors STILL Ignore; Women, Weight and Hormones; The Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS, The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Great Sex, Strength, and Stamina. Dr. Vliet has presented hundreds of professional CME programs for physicians and allied health professionals on many medical topics; consumer seminars and radio shows on integrated approaches to Men’s Health and Women’s Health; and Town Halls addressing the economic and medical impact of government intrusion into medicine.
Dr. Vliet speaks as an independent physician, not as a spokesperson for health systems, pharmaceutical companies, insurance plans, or political parties. Her allegiance and advocacy is to and for patients. Dr. Vliet’s public charity website is and her medical practice is