Video Update Editorial: My first check for investigative reporting was from the Associated Press (AP) December 14, 1987 and it hangs framed on my wall. I respect the history of the organization, goals and objectives, but a recent story describing former-Vice President Joe Biden’s leveraging of U.S. foreign aid to pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating corruption at Burisma (an energy company) to protect his son Hunter is not a “false narrative.”

As a daily reporter for the Tulsa Tribune and in free-lance work for such stalwart journalism teams as the L.A. Times and the Dallas Morning News; I have always tried to keep narratives true, concise and insightful.
Sadly, the current state of journalism in America demands contrition in apology for the field. There are too many ideologues and far too few fact-based reporters.
Granted first that “the AP echoed similar news media outlets’ miss-characterization of the above-mentioned event, including the New York Times, Snopes, NPR, USA Today, Vox, and the Washington Post” as Breitbart.com notes. Second, the AP is often housed in print paper offices and subject to institutionalized leftist loons. Sometimes, AP reporters are only part-time or free-lance, but stampedes don’t add credibility in reporting.

Breitbart notes AP claimed, “[T]hose who followed a conservative media diet were much more likely to believe the false narrative that former Vice President Joe Biden called for a Ukrainian prosecutor’s removal to protect his son from being investigated.”
The AP befouled themselves with that mistake of fact.
“In January 2018, Joe Biden joined a discussion panel at the Council on Foreign Relations and admitted pressuring Ukraine to terminate Viktor Shokin in his former capacity as vice president and “point person” on Ukraine,” Breitbart added.

Again, I am going to anger my communist and democrat cousins by asserting President Obama’s Administration was the most corrupt in American History and the Biden family are only the beginning.
Let’s investigate, dig a little deeper into the Uranium One deal or at least fully explain how President Donald J. Trump and his team can be so heavily prosecuted for the time of day while the ultimate elitist Hillary Clinton and her team can “bleach bit” hard drives and beat cell phones with hammers. This clear double standard is obvious to everyone worldwide and it can not be allowed to stand.
We are one people, under law, or we are not.
Physicians heal yourselves.
If the so-called “Justice System” works, prove it. Show “justice” for all to see.
Thank you Pam Bondi for detailing the Biden crime(s) to the U.S. Senate.