Opinion: The last minute political based accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are less than flatulence from ideologues. This is worse than a porn star and creepy lawyer lying. There is no morality left among Leftists or honor or truth or love of Liberty or law to say nothing of respect for due process.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Conservative news outlets and reporters are pointing out glaring problems in the latest accusations – almost laughable if not so disgusting.
The partisan hit pieces under review hide an evil agenda of destruction from anti-Americans literally trying to destroy the nation.

The Kavanaugh family with President Donald Trump
Once proud patriots; Democrats now, as a party, have become insane propagandists – unhinged from reason – slobbering distortions with no evidence.
Generally considered hyper-local Tulsa Today joins legal experts and reasoned pundits on this critical national issue. Hold the vote without delay.
For more reports on this issue, click here for The Daily Wire.