Editorial Analysis: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes on Monday explained simply how Democrats have damaged the FBI, Departments of Justice and State and respect for Rule of Law in America.
Nunes told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on “The Ingraham Angle” directly that, “We’re not gonna be threatened by the Democrats. They are the ones that have all this blood on their hands.”
“They’re the ones who completely destroyed the FBI and DOJ. How did they do that? They did that by digging up dirt, the Clinton campaign dug up dirt, put it into a dossier, fed into the FBI and the FBI used our counterintelligence capabilities against a political campaign,” Nunes said.
It was a stunning moment of candor. By “destroyed” Nunes spoke of the faith, honor, trust and credibility Federal organizations have built in the minds of Americans over generations. The nation’s top cops and judges, in this, became crime.
The Rule of Law was betrayed by those sworn as instruments of justice in this political attack upon Donald J. Trump.
If agents of justice became agents of crime then average Americans may reasonably ask: Do we have a Royal Political Class above the law? Why? How?

Barack Obama and Frank Marshal Davis, a Communist acknowledged by Obama as his childhood mentor.
When did the United States of America become a tin-pot dictatorship seen in third-world countries that plot against their own people. America once laughed and felt pity for people who lived in nations without equal justice or credible law applicable to all.
Where, how and when did the Federal government come to believe it was not required to follow the U.S. Constitution which helps form our law and to which each public employee is sworn to uphold?

Hysterical inane distractions by Leftists June 30, 2018
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., called Nunes and three other Republicans – Reps. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Mark Meadows, R-N.C. and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio– the “four horsemen of this apocalypse” on CNN last week.
The answer from Nunes was civil and restrained given the relativism and fabrications Schiff has continually constructed in defense of the rampant criminality of the National Democratic Party and it’s agents.
It is increasingly apparent that many conspired to remove the foundations, principles and protections ensuring equal justice in America. Only full transparency and prosecution of those involved has a prayer to recover the public trust in the FBI, DOJ and State Department. Without public support, these organizations cannot effectively do their jobs.

Protests June 30, 2018
This may be one reason Leftists are so hysterical, demanding the end of law enforcement (immigration) and promoting socialism – the friendliest face of true evil upon millions of people by totalitarians throughout history.
Don’t be distracted or dismayed, President Donald J. Trump with honest men and women both elected and employed in government can fix this. We pray sooner than later.
Click here for the interview and video with Rep. Devin Nunes on Fox News.