Editorial: Sen. Marco Rubio’s rally in Jenks was well attended by establishment Republicans. He resonated locally as a candidate for president in the days before the presidential primary, but that was before Rubio proved to be a self-absorbed immature twit. We had hope at the time that Rubio could be a leader for the future, but if he keeps attacking Rep. Jim Bridenstine – Rubio will likely never win a vote in Oklahoma.
Reporting for Newsok.com, Justin Wingerter writes, “Bridenstine, a Tulsa Republican who was twice nominated to head the nation’s space agency, has continued to draw the opposition of all Senate Democrats, independents and one Republican. A fellow Tulsa Republican, Sen. Jim Inhofe, has tried unsuccessfully to persuade that Republican senator to back Bridenstine.

President Donald Trump, center, listens to Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., gesturing left, after signing the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017, alongside members of the Senate, Congress, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, March 21, 2017. From left, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-FL, acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot, Rep. Neal Dunn, R-FL, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas,, Sen. Bill Nelson, D-FL, NASA Astronaut Office Chief Chris Cassidy, Rep. Martha Roby, R-AL, Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, Sen. Luther Strange, R-AL, Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-AL, Rep. Frank Lucas, R-OK, Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-OK, Rep. Steven Palazzo, R-LA, NASA Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson, Rep. Bill Posey, R-FL, Rep. Mo Brooks, R-AL, and Vice President Mike Pence. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)
‘“I have talked to Marco — Senator Marco Rubio — and he doesn’t like Jim Bridenstine,” Inhofe said of the junior senator from Florida.
‘“I talked to him about it and I said, ‘Look, Marco, you were running for president, he was supporting somebody else, your opponent, and he said some things about you that were perfectly legitimate to talk about. You can’t just be the one holdout,’” Inhofe said.
‘“I said, ‘What do I have to do or what do we have to do to get you to stand back and let him into this job?’ (Rubio) said, ‘Not a chance. I’m not going to do it.’ Those are his words.”
“For as long as Rubio remains opposed and [Sen. John] McCain remains in recovery, Bridenstine’s nomination cannot move ahead. Even if McCain recovers and returns to the Senate, it’s not clear whether he supports Bridenstine’s nomination. The Tulsa congressman has previously backed one of McCain’s political opponents,” Newsok.com noted.
Behind the scene with a red and white press pass proclaiming, “media covering marco” [all lower case] I visited with many of the area’s top Republican elected officials as Rubio campaigned for president in Oklahoma. They liked Rubio for specific reasons beyond his youth. They appreciated his Cuban heritage and strong stands for national defense. His immigration efforts troubled some, but inspired others. Young Republicans were eagerly engaged in the event at a venue packed to capacity with many standing cheering that night in Jenks.

Sen. Marco Rubio
Sen. Rubio will likely never enjoy that much support in Oklahoma again if he continues his obsession with petty revenge. As a young state of populist leaning and individual attitudes, Oklahomans fully enjoy individual opinions. We are free to disagree and we get over it – as mature individuals do. I will tell Sen. Rubio that to his face given any future opportunity.
Oklahoma Republicans don’t stampede in herd when attacked. We turn and fight individually so here is a pledge from a lifelong Republican Activist: I will put my time and money on the line against Sen. Marco Rubio should he run nationally or again from Florida. Marco Rubio is not mature enough to hold elected office. I will urge my Florida friends to oppose him because he opposes Bridenstine’s nomination to NASA.
Little Marco! You think you own NASA? You think you are more important than national interest? Want to play Demo-Rat? Want to oppose President Donald J. Trump? Frack (the breaking apart to harvest value) your ambition – big time, long term so say your former friends.
Click here to read the Newsok.com story that inspired this editorial.