Sohail Ahmed
Former extremist Sohail Ahmed reveals in an exclusive interview with the Clarion Project why he nearly carried out a terror attack in his home town of London.
A growing Muslim community in Oklahoma suggests this is an important issue to consider.
CAIR-OK has engaged for years in highly visible professional public relations efforts promoting the faith. It is then proper and fitting that real news organizations also cover the non-promoted side of Islamic fanaticism in Oklahoma – beheadings and all.
What drives Muslims born and raised in the West to carry out terrorist attacks against their countries of birth? The Clarion Project asked Sohail Ahmed, a former extremist who grew up in a strict Muslim observant household in London, why he considered conducting a terrorist attack against the UK – killing neighbors and possibly people he knew personally.
For more information from the Clarion Project, readers may also find compelling a report of how the anti-Trump women’s movement has teamed up with Islamist Terrorists on March 8, International Women’s Day, a follow-up event to the January 21 Women’s March on Washington.

Rasmea Odeh speaking at the International Working Women’s Day 2016 (Photo: Screenshot/Clarion Project)
One of the co-authors of the “militant” manifesto behind the nationwide event is convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Yousef Odeh convicted in Israel in 1970 for being involved in two fatal bombings.
Odeh spent 10 years in jail before she was released in a prisoner exchange in 1980.
She moved to the U.S. by omitting her terror conviction on her immigration papers and served as the associate director of the Arab American Action Network in Chicago and later as an ObamaCare navigator. In 2014, she was convicted in the U.S. for concealing her past and thus illegally obtaining U.S. citizenship.
After claiming she forgot about her conviction and imprisonment in Israel due to post traumatic stress disorder, she was awarded a new trial which is currently pending.
The women’s event manifesto, printed as an open letter in The Guardian, calls for “striking, marching, blocking roads, bridges, and squares, abstaining from domestic, care and sex work” and “boycotting” pro-Trump businesses. Click here for more on this story.