The 113 year old Tulsa State Fair represents heritage, family, values and quality entertainment in Oklahoma.
The 2016 Tulsa State Fair ran from Thursday, September 29 thru Sunday, October 9. This year, a combination of unique attractions, wonderful weather and cheerful fair guests, resulted in an estimated attendance of over 1.2 million people.
“Our outstanding staff and stakeholders are dedicated to creating the best possible environment for the Tulsa State Fair.” stated Mark Andrus, President and CEO, “Every day our top priorities are to provide a safe, clean and family friendly event, where life long memories are made.”
Outstanding concerts on the Oklahoma Stage, the excitement of a new midway company and an impressive 28,086 livestock competition entries, are a snapshot of the contributing factors to the increase in attendance.
“The crowds this year were phenomenal. I was amazed by the reaction from families to the new midway. The partnership with North American Midway Entertainment, exceeded expectations and illustrated the importance of bringing first class entertainment to Tulsa,” said Commissioner John Smaligo, Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority Chair.
Preliminary highlights include a 4% increase in Gate Admission, 7% increase in Midway Ride Sales, an 8% increase ExpoSERVE Concession Sales and a 12% increase in Independent Concession Sales over 2015.
Amanda Blair, Chief Operating Officer stated, “I look towards next year’s fair with a true sense of excitement. This year, we built the foundation for future success and we will continue to improve each year. Several projects are in the planning phases, with a goal to have a significant impact in the fair experience for 2017.”
Mark your calendars for, Take Take A Spin, at the 2017 Tulsa State Fair which will be held September 28 thru October 8.
The Tulsa State Fair is managed by the Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority comprised of Tulsa County Commissioners, John Smaligo, Karen Keith, Ron Peters with Trustees Mike Spradling, Daryl Woodward and President/CEO Mark Andrus.