Fox News, Politico and others are reporting that Hillary Clinton’s assertion that she is only under a “security inquiry” is a complete fabrication – a lie in plain sight.
Fox News headlines, “Comey rebuffs Clinton claim FBI only conducting ‘security inquiry’ on emails.” Politico takes a more Clinton friendly approach waiting to the end of the story to note the difference in terms.
Both note that, to the FBI, this is an investigation.
Fox News writes: Hillary Clinton for months has downplayed the FBI investigation into her private email server and practices as a mere “security inquiry.”

Street Art in Brooklyn. Photo: The Weekly Standard.
But when asked Wednesday by Fox News about Clinton’s characterization of the bureau’s probe, FBI Director James Comey said he doesn’t know what “security inquiry” means — adding, “We’re conducting an investigation. … That’s what we do.”
The FBI director reiterated that he’s “not familiar with the term security inquiry” when told that is the phrase Clinton has used.
As for the timeline for the investigation, Comey, during a briefing with reporters, said he prefers doing the investigation “well” over promptly and said he’s not “tethered” to a schedule.
The briefing comes amid reports that FBI investigators have been meeting with top aides in Clinton’s inner circle, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. The interviews have stoked speculation that the investigation may soon be drawing to a close, in the heat of the 2016 political season.
Click here for more from Fox News. includes this at the end of their story: Clinton and her team have made a point of not describing the FBI’s work as an “investigation,” but alternately as a “security review” or “security inquiry.” They’ve also noted that the issue was referred to the FBI not as a criminal matter but as an intelligence breach.
However, in response to a question Wednesday, Comey said he wasn’t familiar with the term “security inquiry” that Clinton and her aides have used. The FBI chief said he considers the work agents are doing to be an “investigation.”
“It’s in our name. I’m not familiar with the term ‘security inquiry’,'” the director said.
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As Tulsa Today has long reported, Hillary Clinton is the first candidate in history to campaign for U.S. President while under active investigation by the FBI (nearly 150 agents at last report). We are glad national news services are catching up.