ISIS killing kids with Down’s Syndrome

IslamISIS2Multiple media are reporting on an Islamic State (ISIS) fatwa ordering the elimination of children with Down syndrome and other congenital disabilities reminiscent of Hitler’s infamous “Aktion T4” program, which administered forced “euthanasia” on an estimated 300,000 disabled persons.

According to the Iraqi activist blog Mosul Eye, sharia judges have ruled that ISIS followers are authorized to kill infants with deformities. Since the religious decree (fatwa) was issued, militants have killed at least 38 children between one week and three months old by lethal injection or suffocation.

DownSyndromeIn a post on the Mosul Eye Facebook page, the group claims that any child with a disability is now at risk of being killed, and released a brief video showing disabled children. The killings reportedly took place in ISIS strongholds in Syria and Mosul, the northern Iraqi city seized by ISIS in June 2014.

Mosul Eye claims to report directly from Mosul, and has reliably reported on Islamic State incidents in the past. It has been called “one of most accurate chronicles of life under Islamic State rule.”

DownSyndrome2The group says it has monitored the deaths of several children with Down Syndrome and congenital deformities. They learned of an “Oral Fatwa” issued by the sharia board of the Islamic State authorizing its members to “kill newborn babies with Down’s [sic] Syndrome and congenital deformities and disabled children.”

The Fatwa was issued by a Saudi sharia judge named Abu Said Aljazrawi.

Click here for more on this story from The Mirror.

Click here for the story from

Click here for the story from The Daily Mail.

SexSlavesMuslim1Editor’s Note: There is no evidence to date that this news is motivating outrage among American Leftists or the Democrat Socialist Party of President Barack Hussein Obama.  Multiple commentators have noted thousands of children sold by ISIS into sexual slavery as young as 9 yrs. and the thousands of other children killed for Christian faith even younger have not moved the loons on the Left so why should murder of Down Syndrome children – Planned Parenthood, for example, works to kill them before birth.

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