Jayden Broadway, 9, was diagnosed with EV-D68 in early October (http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/enterovirus-spreads-across-the-nation/)
The deadly EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic, which struck thousands of kids this fall, was likely propelled through America by President Barack Obama’s decision to allow tens of thousands of Central Americans across the Texas border, according to a growing body of genetic and statistical evidence and reported by both CBS News and The Daily Caller, but Democrats are race-baiting to retain power in Washington.
The Daily Caller writes: The evidence includes admissions from top health officials that the epidemic included multiple strains of the virus, and that it appeared simultaneously in multiple independent locations.
The question can be settled if federal researchers study the genetic fingerprint of the EV-D68 viruses that first hit kids in Colorado, Missouri [both border Oklahoma] and Illinois to see if they are close relatives to the EV-D68 viruses found in Central America.
Officials ”have to do the genetic analysis” to disprove or prove the link, Nora Chapman, an enterovirus scientist at the University of Nebraska, told The Daily Caller.
But there’s already more than enough statistical evidence for American citizens to demand that scientists test the viruses to see if Obama’s progressive border priorities spread the dangerous contagion throughout the country during 2014.
So far, that virus has been found in nine people — including at least three American kids — who died from illness. It has apparently inflicted unprecedented polio-like paralysis in roughly 50 kids, and it has put hundreds of young American kids into hospital emergency wards and intensive care units throughout more than 40 states. Most of the dead have not been publicly identified.
Click here for more from The Daily Caller.
Never mind – nothing to consider here when voting.
Democrats desperate to defend the evil of America’s first communist-like president are using racial scare tactics in Southern states the Washington Times reports.
“Campaign materials aimed at getting out the black vote are featuring references to lynchings, Jim Crow-era signs, racial unrest — and, as of last weekend, the Ku Klux Klan,” the Times writes. Click here for the story from the Washington Times.
Wonder how this is possible – how seemly intelligent people somehow believe they can race bait Americans in 2014? Check out Saturday Night Live with Chris Rock. SNL asks, as only they can, “What would President Barack Obama have to do to lose the support of black Americans?”
From getting enormous dreadlocks to being publicly disrespected by his daughters — “Shut up b***h, we watching ‘Scandal’” — no Obama misstep would cause the assembled “panelists” to stop supporting the president. Click here for more from The Blaze.
However, our favorite clip so far this election season was posted on the home page of Tulsa Today October 28 and appears again here for your consideration.
The first death threat this writer ever received was for supporting integration of Tulsa Public Schools in the early 70s. The Chicago Activists in the video above make me proud of that stand. The deadbeat idiot ideologue sworn into office as “Barack Hussein Obama” embarrasses me.
That is not racist, but a rational independent analysis of specific words and actions over time.