Yesterday, in a Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) hearing titled “Current and Future Worldwide Threats,” Senator Jim Inhofe, ranking member of SASC, questioned Director of National IntelligenceJames Clapper and Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen.Michael Flynn on the proliferationof Al-Qaeda.
Both of President Obama’s advisers stated on the record that Al-Qaeda is not on the path to defeat, directly contradicting what President Obama has been telling the American people.
INHOFE: “Yes or no answer from each one of you; is Al-Qaeda on the run and on the path to defeat?” asked Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla.
CLAPPER: “No, it is morphing and franchising itself, not only here but in other areas of the world.” Clapper replied.
FLYNN: “They are not.” responded Liet. Flynn.
Why is this important? During the President Obama’s reelection effort, he told the American people at numerous campaign events that al-Qaeda “is on the path to defeat.” The attack in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, proved otherwise. As Inhofe told the Lars Larson Radio show last night,“It all goes back to Benghazi. It all happened right before the election… That is what he was saying about six weeks before the election. He had been saying that my Middle Eastern policies have worked and we are now shifting to the Pacific rim. And of course that was not true then, or today.” Inhofe went on to say, “Susan Rice was sent to the American public to lie for political purposes. Four people died… Let us not forget this.”
Quotes from President Obama saying otherwise:
• New Hampshire Campaign rally – Oct. 17, 2012: ” I said we’d refocus on the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and we have. And today, a new tower rises above the New York skyline, and Al Qaeda is on the path to defeat, and Osama bin Laden is dead.”
• Wisconsin campaign rally – Nov. 1, 2012: “The war in Afghanistan is winding down. Al Qaeda has been decimated. Osama bin Laden is dead. So we’ve made real progress these past four years.”
• Camp Pendleton in California – Aug. 7, 2013: Speaking to Marines at Camp Pendleton in California, President Obama said “The core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on the way to defeat. We are going to make sure that Afghanistan is never again a source of attacks against our country.”
• Washington, D.C. Veterans Day speech – Nov. 11, 2013: “Today we can say because of their heroic service, the core of Al-Qaeda is on the path of defeat.”
Click here for more in a story with video by the National Journal.