Analysis: U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) Wednesday commended the hundreds of Oklahomans and thousands more Americans who gathered in the nation’s capital for the March for Life and Fox News political analyst Brit Hume made a passionate moral argument against abortion on “Special Report.”
We have lost 55 million young Americans (Doctors, Lawyers, and potential presidents) since the Roe vs. Wade decision. If you do not recall Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s mass slaughter, click on the link. Throughout history all religions have opposed the evil now commonly personified as Pro-Choice – choice not for the victim or the father, but for self-obsessed females to whom for convenience … another’s life and human soul mean nothing.
Sen. Inhofe said, “The several thousand that march in Washington [every year] represent the millions of unborn lives who have been unjustly taken since the Roe vs. Wade ruling 41 years ago,” said Inhofe. “The annual March for Life is about peacefully standing in the gap for the most vulnerable among us, and I applaud the many who participated today in spite of the inclement weather. The pro-life movement is a deep moral conviction that dignity, life and providence starts inside the womb. I stand with those today who recognize the sanctity of life, and will continue the fight to protect the constitutional right to life for those yet born in our nation.”
Inhofe has authored and cosponsored numerous bills during his time in Congress to support the pro-life cause and strengthen opportunities for adoptions both domestically and internationally. In the past year, Inhofe has supported the following pro-life legislation:
• Preventing the Offering of Elective Coverage of Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Act (S.154).
• Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act of 2013 (S.356).
• The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (S.369).
• District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 886).
• The Adoption Information Act (S.1539).
• Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S.1670).
• Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2013 (S.1848), a bill that would reverse the secrecy clause in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and require that all plans on the exchanges disclose whether or not the plan includes abortion. If the plan includes abortion, the plan must also disclose the amount of the abortion surcharge.
• A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress and the States should investigate and correct abusive, unsanitary, and illegal abortion practices. (S. Res. 133) and a bill to implement equal protection under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution for the right to life of each born and preborn human person. (S.583)
Referencing the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Bret Hume said the Supreme Court decided that a “generalized right to privacy that they basically invented meant that a woman has a constitutional right to snuff out an unborn life — a human being with a beating heart.”
“That’s what a fetus as young as six weeks is,” he added.
Since 1973, he continued, “science has given us an ever clearer picture of just how much of a baby a fetus is.”
“At 20 weeks, we know now, these tiny creatures can hear, even recognize a mother’s voice. Their toenails are growing and their hearts beat loud enough to be heard by a stethoscope,” Hume said. “The moral case for allowing such beings to be killed grows ever weaker, and it’s advocates resort to evermore absurd euphemisms to describe what they support.”
When Bret Baier asked him where the abortion debate goes from here, Hume said he looks to science to prove more conclusively that fetuses can feel pain, if possible, from the beginning. That would “change everything,” he concluded.