Little Drummer Boy

DrummerBoy1As Oklahoma readies for winter storm; this bit of musical mastery may distract from icy dread. Pentatonix, an a cappella music group of five members, published a cover of “Little Drummer Boy” Nov. 25 to rave reviews. They will visit Tulsa February 5th to perform at Cain’s Ballroom, but don’t wait to download their Christmas album from iTunes.

Christmas classics are not all this group does as you can hear on their web site and below. This is a new music group – daft punk as they self-describe.  Here’s more from Pentatonix.

Reach the Pentatonix official web site by clicking here.

For Pentatonix tickets at Cain’s Ballroom, click here.

For Pentatonix by twitter, click here.

For Pentatonix on Facebook, click here.
