Shutdown blog day 4, sob stories to scare tactics

VeteransWWIIUpdate Add Day 4: is providing a hilarious running account of crisis in government.  Yes, the world may end at any moment, but you might as well go down smiling.  Only media and politicians take themselves so insanely serious in breathtaking crisis.

Day 4, 11:25 – NBC News Credits Breitbart News’ ‘Echo Chamber’ with Helping GOP Hold Firm

Nothing is funnier than being accused by THE echo chamber of being part of an echo chamber. But that is what NBC News did today in a First Read piece that reeks of frustration over the fact that the mainstream media and NBC News now have competition for the Narrative and are being held accountable for their open- water carrying for Democrats and President Obama.

From Day 4:

12:02 – Today’s Edition of Tweets Media Never Send About ObamaCare Victims

Rather than report on the hundreds of thousands of working class losing their hours, doctors, jobs, and insurance due to ObamaCare and its costs, the media pretend they do not exist. But now that the shutdown will affect hundreds of thousands of federal workers (who will likely get back pay, unlike the ObamaCare victims), suddenly the media find compassion for “the common man.”

The tweet simply can’t be referencing those in the Obama economy in need of jobs and better pay, because as we’ve been told by the media for years now, Obama saved the economy and we are now in recovery!

11:25 – NBC News Credits Breitbart News’ ‘Echo Chamber’ with Helping GOP Hold Firm

Nothing is funnier than being accused by THE echo chamber of being part of an echo chamber. But that is what NBC News did today in a First Read piece that reeks of frustration over the fact that the mainstream media and NBC News now have competition for the Narrative and are being held accountable for their open- water carrying for Democrats and President Obama.  Click here for more on on Day 4.

From Day 3: Media Narratives Crumble; Obamacare Fails

Claiming to be “the one-stop for ongoing news about the government shutdown and the media’s coverage of it” contact information for news tips are included at the top of the page.  Entries from the top are the most recent and at this publishing feature:

11:35 CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield Takes it To Democrats

My primary goal with this running account of the shutdown politics is to document media malfeasance. But I have been so hard on CNN that I feel obligated to report that Ashleigh Banfield not only opened her hour with Harry Reid’s gaffe about kids with cancer, she also informed her viewers that it is Democrats who are refusing to fund the NIH.

Moreover, Banfield was very tough on California Senator Barbara Boxer – going so far as to mention the shutdowns that occurred under Tip O’Neill.

11:14 – Shrill Obama Back to ‘Gun to Head’ Rhetoric

In a campaign speech today, a shrill President Obama returned to his hostage-taking rhetoric, saying of Republicans, “You don’t negotiate by putting a gun to the other person’s head. Or worse yet, by putting a gun to the American peoples’ head.”

Last week, the media collectively made any politician who used this kind of rhetoric pay a political price.

This week, the media have suspended this policy in order to protect Democrats and a President who have repeatedly called Republicans arsonists, anarchists, hostage-takers, house burners…

In his speech, Obama also said he will not negotiate, a position a new CBS poll confirms 76% of the American people disagree with.

The media are also refusing to report on that poll.

Click here for more on Day 3.

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