Mitt Romney, at a campaign event in Florida on Thursday, said President Barack Obama had “thrown the white flag of surrender” and had changed his slogan from “Yes, we can” to “No, I can’t.”
Romney’s comments were in response to Obama’s interview with the Spanish-language station Univision earlier in the day.
Romney said he “couldn’t believe it when the president of the United States said he couldn’t get change from the inside."
"His slogan was ‘Yes, we can.’ His slogan now is, ‘No, I can’t,’" Romney said. “He went from the president of change to the president who can’t get change."
Romney said Obama had "no plan to get our economy working again."
"Well, I do," Romney said.
At a Univision forum, Obama said that the most important lesson he has learned during his first term was that “you can’t change Washington from inside, only from the outside.”
Obama said if he were to get a second term he wanted to convince Americans to put more “pressure on Congress to move issues forward.”
Obama’s comments amounted to a concession: the candidate who campaigned in 2008 on changing Washington and bringing about bipartisan consensus has not been able to accomplish what he promised. The president and many in his administration have become creatures of Washington, encouraging crony capitalistic boondoggles like Solyndra.
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