Enid, OK: At last night’s Garfield County Candidate Forum Corporation Commissioner candidates Brooks Mitchell and Bob Anthony were on hand to give the audience the short version of their take on the current issues facing the Commission.
“I expected Commissioner Anthony to talk about dealing with the EPA,” said Mitchell. “Every state official knows dealing with the EPA can be a huge, continual pain in the neck. This is especially true in Oklahoma where our oil and gas industry collides regularly with this Federal bureaucracy. The EPA’s often ill conceived and bad decisions can cost our state jobs and revenue.”
“Bob could have talked about the public utilities. He might not want to because of the mess he made of the recent OG&E rate case. Not only did the case last months longer than expected, it’s still undecided. When the first time came for a decision Bob said the rate increase decision wasn’t urgent. OG&E hit ratepayers with a temporary rate increase amounting to about 11%. Within two days Bob reversed course, decided the rate increase was indeed an urgent matter and demanded a Commission vote so he could vote to reject the temporary rate increase.”
“So last night, with all these critical issues facing Oklahoma and the leaders of the Corporation Commission, what does Bob talk about? Wide area calling circles.”
“Wide area calling circles? That was an issue decided in the 90’s. It’s not relevant to anything the Commission is doing this week, this past year or this past decade.”
“Bob was first elected in 1988. That’s almost 25 years as a Commissioner with a spotty attendance record. Perhaps if this career politician spent more time in the office and less time somewhere else he’d be up to speed on what happening in 2012 at the Corporation Commission.”
“Any office holder who is so out of touch that he’s talking about issues that were over and done with 20 years ago needs to find another line of work. He’s just living in the past. We need a Commissioner working in the present for Oklahoma. “
“Based on his actions the past decade, Bob seems to strive for mediocrity, has no sense of urgency about vital issues and is clueless as to the real issues and concerns facing Oklahoma.”
“That’s why I’m running to replace Bob at the Corporation Commission. Oklahoma deserves better than a part time office holder does. Oklahoma deserves someone who knows the 21st Century issues and is ready to be in the office every day working with other dedicated elected officials and state employees to help make Oklahoma the best it can be.”
To read a previous interview of Brooks Mitchell by Tulsa Today, click here.