Rick Brinkley named Majority Whip

Sen. Rick Brinkley has been chosen by his colleagues in the Senate Republican caucus to serve as Majority Whip.  Brinkley will coordinate with caucus members to advance measures through the legislative process.

“I’m honored to have been chosen by my colleagues to serve in this capacity,” said Brinkley, R-Owasso. 

“In order to advance our pro-growth agenda, effective communication within the caucus will be crucial.  I’m excited to have been chosen as a member of the leadership team, and I look forward to the job.”

Brinkley was first elected to represent the citizens of Senate District 34 in 2010.  He is the current Vice-Chair of the Senate Finance Committee.  From 1999 – 2011 he served as President and CEO of the Better Business Bureau serving Eastern Oklahoma and is currently the Organization’s Chief Operating Officer.  

Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman said Brinkley’s experience and leadership ability made him a natural choice for Majority Whip.  

“Senator Brinkley’s combination of political instinct and broad experience as a leader will serve us well as we address the important issues facing Oklahoma,” said Bingman, R-Sapulpa.  “I’m confident he can help us achieve important goals, and I look forward to working with him as we move through the legislative session.”