The arena is rocking, the fans are talking, the players working hard and b-ball is having fun in Tulsa as March Madness advances in tournament. Record crowds Friday are expected in even greater number Sunday in downtown Tulsa.
City businesses and residents are pleased to note that crowds come in waves depending on tournament times thus easier to park and serve. Everyone seems to be in good spirits and excited their team was invited to the “big dance.” Now the best competitors can prove it on court.
While sports competition may be the primary focus, Tulsa Today recommends travelers also enjoy “the second finest collection of Americana in existence” according to the curators and officials of the Smithsonian (their collection is number one).
Gilcrease, The Museum of the Americas, can be reached online by clicking here or within a few short miles.
For a Yahoo Map, click here
Of course we could write books on what you might enjoy in even a short visit, but for this welcome, the virtual presentations by Gilcrease are recommended.