While the nation watched the funeral procession of the late Ted Kennedy, the press gave a great amount of air time on the proceedings. However, I very much doubt that Ted is as concerned as the nation is with the human ceremonies of his passing.
You see, Ted is either in Heaven or in Hell right now. He is either in the arms of a loving Father-God, or is in the worst place imaginable, called Hell, for an eternity.
So while Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Chris Dodd use Ted’s passing to boost sympathetic support for the Healthcare reform bill, Teddy may very well be singing a different tune.
You see, there IS a real God. There IS a real Heaven and Hell. There IS a place, or you may call it a “destination,” in which we are immediately present upon our passing. Just ask any cardiologist who has brought people back to life from clinical death. Many cardiologists have heard stories from their patients who went to heaven or to hell, and were brought back to life. I would wager that none of them said that they went anywhere else. When people are revived from the dead, they know where they were before they were pulled back in to their bodies.
So if there is a real Heaven, and there is a real Hell, then there is a real God and there is a real plan. Stay with me here.
Ted was a professed Catholic. If there is a real God, and there is, by Ted professing his Catholicism, was this enough to get in to heaven? Well, the Bible says in order to be saved – and go to heaven – you must profess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior: John 3:16 (New International Version) "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Did Ted believe this? If Ted believed in God, then would not his actions have matched his words and deeds?
Harry Reid reminded us of Kennedy’s own words, the "dream shall never die," in calling on colleagues to carry on where Kennedy left off. "As we mourn his loss, we rededicate ourselves to the causes for which he so dutifully dedicated his life".
Let’s review these causes:
Senator Kennedy initially ran for office as a Catholic pro-lifer. Once he was placed into office, he changed his position to become a pro-abortion activist. One could say that Ted was one of the greatest advocates for abortion. He championed the abortion cause for more than 30 years. In addition, regarding the “life” issue, his possibly pregnant secretary was killed in a car that he abandoned. Did Ted ever consider the biblical commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”?
An interesting twist to the life issue is that Ted supported the man-made creation of life through the creation of human embryos for the “clone and kill” bill. Ted, Tom Harkin and Dianne Feinstein wanted to create human embryos for the express purpose of experimentation to be killed in scientific experiments. Does not God give life and does not God take it away?
Ted also fought for the “right” for the same sex to marry and adopt innocent children, as well as promoted the homosexual agenda to our children in our public schools. Yet God says:
1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."
It is crystal clear that God abhors homosexuality, there is no ambiguity about it. Yet Ted and so many people, including self professed “Christians,” fly in the face of God’s word and His will to position homosexuality as “good”.
Well, it looks to me like Ted has some splainin’ to do with his maker. I wonder if he had a conversation with God about the killing of viable babies through partial birth abortion procedures under his watch. I wonder about many things that could potentially threaten his salvation.
I have the same wonderment for Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays, Karl Malden, David Carradine, Alexis Arguello, Ed McMahon and Steve McNair.
God is always good. He knows that we are all sinners and lose our way. He is also a merciful God. However, we are the ones who choose our destiny in eternity. We can choose to follow God’s laws, commandments and statutes, or to follow the ugly little man with the pitch fork for our own self elevation and personal gain. God gives us the freedom to choose our own destiny.
We can only hope that Ted repented, as we all have to do for our choices and sins against God, and made himself right before the our creator, and that his, Michael’s, Farrah’s, Billy’s, Karl’s, David’s, Alexis’s, Ed’s and Steve’s souls were literally saved and did not perish.
Tricia Erickson was the first Damage Control and Crisis Management Expert in the country, as stated by Barbara Walters on the show, "20/20". Tricia is also a political consultant and a frequent on-air contributor who has opined on FOX, CNN, MSNBC and all major TV networks. Some of the issues she has been called to speak to are The Dangers of Radical Islam, Gay Marriage, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, The Well-Masked Cult of Mormonism (she is an expert on Mormonism), Media bias, All Things Political, The Imaging-Posturing-Positioning of Presidential Candidates, All Things Regarding Hollywood, Ethics In The Media, The Culture Wars and more. She is the President of Crisis Management, Inc (crisis management and communications) and also the President of Angel Pictures, LLC (a major motion picture, TV, publicity and development company). Contact: 910-270-8966 and casting33@aol.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (Interviews available by skype)