Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Echoing around the skyscrapers downtown, the sounds of jackhammers have surprised many workers today. Maybe not as much as traffic on the streets apparently surprised the daily paper yesterday (they don’t get out much), but surprising none the less.
This week, Kanbar Properties began renovation of the First Place Tower Plaza located at the southeast corner of Fourth and Main in core of downtown Tulsa. This open space area is utilized by many downtown workers during the lunch hour and is especially important during downtown festivals.
The construction project is anticipated to last approximately six weeks, with the total cost expected to exceed $500.000. Once the existing concrete located on the upper level of the Plaza has been removed, new brush concrete will be installed to include an elevated stage area. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of November.
The 624,374 sq. ft. First Place Tower is one of Tulsa’s largest skyscrapers, housing Cimarex Energy Company, McLeod Telecommunications, JP Morgan Chase and the new Boston Avenue Grille.
“This privately funded project is another in the continuing effort by Kanbar Properties to build upon and contribute to the growing vibrancy and beautification happening in Downtown Tulsa,” Victor Wandres, Kanbar’s Director of Leasing said. After renovation, the Plaza will have benches, tables, chairs, and free Wi-Fi internet access.
Downtown Tulsa is growing – just don’t tell the critics, its more fun without them.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 23 September 2008 )