Fallin and Boren host farm truck hearing

Oklahoma Fifth District Congresswoman Mary Fallin will hold a forum on federal regulation of trucks transporting agricultural goods and equipment.
“The forum will be an opportunity for Oklahoma’s concerned parties to express their views about the federal law that prohibits vehicles weighing over 10,000 pounds from crossing state lines while carrying their crops, livestock or other goods.  This is a critical issue to Oklahomans involved in all areas of agriculture and related businesses.  It is not only a transportation issue, but an economic issue.” Fallin said.

Oklahoma Second District Congressman Dan Boren and Rep. Fallin have co-authored legislation in an attempt to ease the burden the truck weight regulations impose on farmers and ranchers, and Boren will co-host the forum.  The meeting is set for August 21 in the Blue Room at the Oklahoma State Capitol.
Boren said, “I would like to thank Congresswoman Fallin for holding this hearing to discuss the regulatory issues facing our agricultural producers.  I have heard from many farmers across the Second District and Oklahoma who have been penalized by truck-weight rules.  Farmers and ranchers transporting goods across the nation need the ability to conduct their business in a fair and efficient manner.  Congresswoman Fallin and I have worked closely with Oklahoma’s agriculture groups and transportation officials to introduce legislation to remedy this problem.