Our American Leader

Opinion: When former-President Donald J. Trump is elected again, America will have a leader worthy of the name. This will be a stark contrast with the duplicitous Non-Democratic Criminal Cartel of the morally vacuous currently destroying our personal and national economy and so much more.

In the immediate aftermath of the failed assassination attempt, President Trump thought first of the American people and stood with fist raised. Never surrender. Fight on for freedom. The message was clear. He said later he was most proud of the crowd because they didn’t run but immediately moved to provide aid and comfort to the injured. Trump wanted the world to know, America will always fight for Liberty against the fascists who are the evil they publicly rail against.

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Lankford’s Dropped Ball Enabled Trump Shooter

Updated: The headline certainly sounds like a wild accusation or a conspiracy theory. It’s neither. The Tulsa area has more space related technological expertise than most of us imagine. Tulsa, in union with Indian nations, also has a wealth of federal contracting capabilities greater than most areas of the United States outside of Washington, D.C.

Several years ago, a proposal was submitted to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to analyze and, if appropriate, build a satellite earth station and ground entry to unify the various networks of federal civilian and military agencies under authority and connected to DHS.

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OK Support for Classroom Bible Use

A Moms for Liberty Oklahoma press release July 17 announced the organization’s reasons in supporting use of Bibles in education:

On June 27th, Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters issued a memo requiring schools to incorporate the Bible in Oklahoma classroom curricula as a historical document. Since the announcement, opponents have expressed their dismay, claiming the new rule blends church and state and that the Bible has no place in Oklahoma public schools.

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Comment on Senate’s Pro Tempore election

In a press release today, OK Sen. George Burns, R-Pollard, issued the following statement on the Oklahoma Senate’s July 15 Pro Tem election coinciding with the Republican National Convention.

“Greetings from Milwaukee and the Republican National Convention. Recently Oklahoma State Senate Caucus members were notified of a proposed rule change vote on the way our Senate caucus votes to elect its leadership. I am tired of people trying to rig elections in this country and the vote to corner the Senate Pro Tem seat is no different than past attempts to grab power. While I and several others are here supporting the nomination of former President Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President, back home fast moves are being made to secure power within our own leadership.

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Disc Golf Association Championship

The Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) will host the 2024 Junior World Championships in Tulsa from July 13-20. Over 450 disc golfers from 16 different countries will compete in the event, which will take place at multiple disc golf courses around Tulsa.  

“It is with great anticipation we welcome the 2024 PDGA Junior Disc Golf World Championships Presented by Innova,” said Kyle Gibson of the Tulsa Disc Golf Association.

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