Editorial: The City of Tulsa’s Strong Mayor form of government should be changed to a city manager form, but sadly, that is not on the ballot next Tuesday. Voters will, at the least, likely narrow the field of candidates to manage a $1 billion organization (annual) with 3,500 employees. Only Brent VanNorman has experience worthy of the role.
At the June Women for Tulsa forum, VanNorman said, “I was a CPA and worked for a firm for about nine years then had my first midlife crisis and went to seminary and pastored for about ten years. I had my second midlife crisis and went to law school. I then went to work for an international law firm and became a patent attorney engaged in patent litigation work. In addition, I helped run three businesses: a title insurance company, an impact investment fund, and a software company.”
VanNorman continued, “I think the next mayor needs to be someone who has managed employees before, knows how to look at a budget, and knows how to cut fat from a budget and there is plenty of fat in the Tulsa budget. I have studied the budget for the next year and there are places we can cut.”
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